All over the modern world owning nuclear weaponry for a state is a symbol of status and power in the world. In the modern political influence and international turmoil that can ignite within matter of a few days can occur. In such an attempt many countries are trying to develop and test their own nuclear weaponry to pose a threat to international agendas. Nuclear weaponry acts as a shield of protection for a country as both parties know that going to war with weapons of mass destruction is not favorable for anyone. It can act as a buffer to stop wars between countries and solve matters by mutual negotiations and talks instead.
The matter of nuclear weaponry development is still greatly debated due to the highly potent nature of such weapons; however the world has proved time and again that countries that carry nuclear weaponry are not threatened for war or invasions by international bodies.
Muslims all around the world are united under the religion of Islam. In the religion the most basic primary belief includes the oneness and greatness of Allah Almighty. The phrase of Takbir is recited by Muslims all over the world in different states of emotion; either in distress, joy or as a battle cry (particularly used by Pakistani Army). The day youm e takbeer translates to the day of greatness or the day of god’s greatness.
This etiology of youm e takbeer symbolizes the Islamic state’s faith in Allah’s grandeur and immense help to their every step towards success.
Why is Youm e Takbeer celebrated?
As we discussed that often the matter of international threats can lead a country to solidify its stance by developing its own nuclear weaponry. Similarly in the year 1998; owing to the neighboring country, India’s Nuclear tests, Pakistan too was able to develop and test its own nuclear weaponry.
If we take history of Pakistan and india into account we can see many conflicts that lead to war between the two countries in a very short span of time after the partition in 1947. These conflicts were on the basis of political disagreements and a deep rooted cultural conflict that caused the British India to part ways. It was obvious that with the Kashmir issue being the hot topic of discussion both Pakistan and India could spar again; and with this time India having nuclear power on its hand can prove to be very threatening.
Pakistan’s constant efforts were not only to neutralize their stance and come to par with Indian resources in terms of getting nuclear technology; but because Pakistan as a nation realized that world peace could not be achieved by war. With already 2 devastating World Wars that the world faced in the past decade; talks and speculations of a third one were on the horizon. The world could not afford the use of these weapons of mass destructions and the talk about war was dismissed as soon as this topic came up. The boom of destruction of Hiroshima, Nagasaki in Japan as the U.S dropped their atomic weaponry was still echoing through the world.
In such limited conditions; Pakistani scientists were able to produce and successfully test their own nuclear weaponry in 1998. This day is now annually celebrated on 28th May. The name Youm e Takbeer was proposed by Professor Dr. Shahid Iqbal Kamran of Allama Iqbal Open University in the year 1998. He was awarding for this contribution.
This day is celebrated to honor individuals who are working in the field of science and their great contributions in developing nuclear weaponry under the still developing conditions of the state. The work of such individuals as Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is an example of patriotism and spirit to defend the nation against major threats.
The celebration of this day also marks how Pakistan was the first Muslim country to achieve the honor of being a nuclear power and how it elevated the status and respect of Pakistan; gaining it recognition and applause on the international scale.
Pakistan’s Rivalry with India and nuclear weapon development:
United by cultural similarities; however conflicted on religious beliefs, Pakistan and India’s rivalry is known to the entire world. Ever since partition the political clashes between the two countries were at an all time high. With the Kashmir issue at hand and Indus water disputes in the days; Pakistan went against India in two head to head wars already.
The nuclear weapons program was first set in place by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1972 keeping in mind the turmoil between the two neighboring countries. With India testing its nuclear weaponry in 1974 made it an increasingly bigger threat to Pakistan. This provided the catalyst of motivation and drive Pakistan needed to further develop their program of nuclear weaponry.
Pakistan advanced in its nuclear weapon development at an unbelievably fast paced. The country could not afford to bow down to India forces; the primary motivation was not to defend themselves against India but to divide the distribution of power and restore balance in North Asia.
A Look at Chagia 1 Tests:
This is the name given to 5 simultaneous underground nuclear tests that were conducted by Pakistan in 1998. These locations were the ideal conditions for conducting these tests due to the bone dry nature of these land with dry weather and minimum wind that reduced the risks of a nuclear fallout from happening. The significance of these tests being successful was that these 5 tests were able to qualify Pakistan as world’s 7th nuclear power and the only Islamic state to own nuclear weaponry.
These tests were conducted on Chagia District of Balochistan province and Ras Koh Hills. These tests were, as discussed before a direct call back to Indian nuclear tests; to solidify the country’s stance against Kashmir issue and ongoing conflicts with India at the time.
However at the time this got both countries to be locked under a few economic sanctions as these tests were viewed as a threat to wage nuclear war against one another; when in actuality this neutralized Pakistan’s threat of India’s nuclear weaponry. The powerful countries of the world such as United States of America and Japan imposed these sanctions.
At the time nuclear testing was condemned keeping in view the mass destruction of Japan’s bustling cities. Of course following the major wars of the world; no nation wanted the risk of nuclear warfare happening again. On the contrary of being condemned and sanctioned; Muslim countries of Saudia Arabia, Turkey and Iran, keeping in mind the solidarity of their faith, congratulated Pakistan on its successful testing.
Celebrations of Youm e Takbeer:
On the celebration ceremonies of youm e takbeer; the leading team of scientists and engineers that were lead under the supervision of Nawaz Sharif are honored and remembered.
The celebration of the launch of Pakistan as a nuclear power back in 1998 symbolizes the consistent efforts that patriots have put into the country to make it shine on the international level. Moreover the sacrifices the forces of our nation have made and are going to make to contribute to their country are also a reason why youm e takbeer is remembered.
It was first celebrated and signed by Nawaz Sharif and a medal known as Chagai Medal was distributed to the contributors, both individual and industries that made Pakistan’s nuclear power project a success. This medal was named after the name of Pakistan’s nuclear power testing operation and its engravings symbolized the accomplishment.
Pakistanis as a nation are beaming with heroic patriotism. There are many examples in the relatively short span of the country’s liberation of individuals and teams that have contributed tirelessly for the nation and made it feel proud and recognized in the entire world.
Youm e takbeer is an important national celebration of such patriotism and spirit of Pakistanis who desperately wanted to see their country become something. Pakistan’s history has been an example for not just its own citizens but for the entire world of how the contributions of citizens can make a country flourish.
Especially in the current conditions of Pakistan with everyday adulteration in products, corruption, favoritism in the professional fields and the rising crime rates; it is important to look back and learn from the true patriots of the nation. Pakistan being an Islamic country has its citizens believe in the power of unity amongst themselves. It is important to be inspired by such examples of tireless work.
Moreover Pakistan was birthed from the roots of the one nation theory. Pakistanis not only consider themselves united as belonging to a country but feel connected to the entire Muslim Ummah across the world. It is important to adapt today and change our ways for the better of not only ourselves but for our nation and Muslim Ummah as a whole. It is important to stand with injustices against Muslims across the world and support each other. It is specifically important in times of such political agendas being deployed against Muslims.